Allison Bryant

Allison Bryant

Session: Technology and social behavior

Title of talk/presentation: Millennials, Learning Styles, and Technology

I will discuss the ways in which mobile technology is infused into the millennial lifestyle. Then I will provide an overview of how technology currently facilitates, contributes to, or inhibits learning, and provide a framework to how educators can better engage their students.

Bio: Allison Morgan Bryant, Ph.D.

Dr. Allison J. Bryant is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management department at the Howard University School of Business. She received her Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Technology from The Pennsylvania State University and a B.B.A. in Computer-Based Information Systems from Howard University. Her research focuses on online health information, human information searching behavior, diversity of the information technology workforce, and the socio-cultural impact of technology. She is a member of the KPMG PhD Project, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the Association for Information Systems.

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